Life Coaching - Christopher Hart
A coaching and consulting company with a strict focus on Transformational growth in the areas of your business, production, leadership, mindset & health.
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Life Coaching

If you are failing to plan, you are planning to fail!

At Transforming Lives Coaching and Consulting, we have a belief system that the Purpose of Life is to have a Purposeful Life!


All too often we come across people that are living a life that is designed by the world’s expectations of them that ultimately causes them to feel unfulfilled and unhappy which in turn can lead to anxieties and depression.


We also find that people reach crossroads in their life and just need some direction and a new plan for the intentions of the direction they need or want to head in.


You see, many people are very purposeful in the business realm of their life about Business Planning. They are great at setting Visions, Mission Statements, Having a set of core Values to Operate by, Belief systems that define boundaries and a Perspective that causes others to understand who they are in business…and yet so many fail to do the same!


Our Life Coaching program is designed to work with people to help them associate to their Purpose in Life, Create a Plan and Strategy, Define the boundaries and Live a Fulfilled Life.


Life Coaching isn’t just for people who are perceived to have “problems” in life as it is for people who want to experience the VERY BEST that life has to offer knowing that they only get 1 Life and it is but a short one.


Life Coaching is about Identifying all the important areas of your life and creating goals and action plans that you can focus on regularly, such that by doing so, will cause you to experience and live a Life on Purpose and not by fault!

Interested in Knowing More about our Organizational Development Program and HOW it can TAKE YOUR ORGANIZATION TO THE NEXT LEVEL?

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