Peak Performance - Christopher Hart
A coaching and consulting company with a strict focus on Transformational growth in the areas of your business, production, leadership, mindset & health.
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Peak Performance

At Transforming Lives Coaching and Consulting, we have an Intense Focus on being able to perform at our BEST and have a Passion for helping others do so as well!


Performing at your BEST is NOT about how you compare yourself to others or perfection, but how you compare yourself to the Very-Best-That-YOU-CAN-BE!


We call this PEAK PERFORMANCE Coaching!


In PEAK PERFORMANCE Coaching, we Focus on Identifying the Desired Result that one desires to achieve and then fully understand where they are currently at, the obstacles that are preventing them from attaining that desired result and lastly, the resources that they will need along the Path of Progression that will Significantly Increase their opportunity to ACHIEVE that which they desire to ACHIEVE!

peak performance

Peak Performance Coaching encompasses a micro-focus on 3 Vital Areas of Resourcefulness that we Believe are the resources by which any one human being can ACHIEVE that which they desire to ACHIEVE in their Life:

Where you set your sail, is where your ship shall sail!
(What Goes on in Your Head) + 20% Mechanics/Strategy. Where most people tend to put most of their energy and focus is on the strategy, mechanics and skills necessary to ACHIEVE…and fail to focus on the 80% Psychology. The Patterns of Thought for SUCCESS
Knowing this formula, we 1st work to create and shape the necessary Patterns of Thought that one would need to SUCCEED at a High Level based on the Limiting Beliefs that are potentially holding them back as well as the NEW Empowering Thoughts that one will need to drive them towards SUCCESS~

Even though 100% of SUCCESS = 80% Psychology + 20% Mechanics/Strategy, it is still Vital that one possesses the necessary SKILLS to ACHIEVE that which they desire to ACHIEVE in their life. In this Vital Area, we look to establish “The Path” (a.k.a. The Plan of Action) that one will follow and then Identify the necessary Skills one MUST possess to ACHIEVE Peak Performance in their desired area of Life. We call these RESOURCES!

We believe that every person possesses the resources internal to them to live out their desired accomplishments in life and what tends to hold people back is the Willingness to DO that which is necessary to do on a continued basis.

SUCCESS is a Time on Task over Time methodology. Doing the small things that over a sustained period-of-time compounds itself to MASSIVE ACHIEVEMENT. What tends to show up in this understanding is the need for change and variety. People tend to get bored with repetition. This is a process known as Repetitious Boredom. It tends to cause people to loose Motivation and ultimately leads to failure to achieve.


The area of WILL-SET that we focus on is how to keep that “Flame of Motivation” burning over the sustained period-of-time, that counters the Repetitious Boredom and keeps one in the action of performance that ultimately leads to their desired SUCCESS!

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