Process - Christopher Hart
A coaching and consulting company with a strict focus on Transformational growth in the areas of your business, production, leadership, mindset & health.
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At Transforming Lives Coaching and Consulting, we view the coaching process as one of a Sherpa type relationship.


Whether it’s coaching to life processes or business strategies, we view ourselves as the “guiding light” of sorts to walk a journey that has been walked and understood previously.

The initial stages of the coaching process focus on conducting a thorough consultation where we seek to gain clarity on a number of critical data points:

  1. Where you are currently at in your journey (life/business) – “Point A”
  2. Where you are looking to go – The Goal / “Point B”
  3. The motive behind the goal and why it is important to you
  4. Obstacles that have prevented you in the past from achieving said goal.
  5. Identifying the Critical & Vital Tasks associated with going from “Point A to Point B” and experiencing Goal Accomplishment.

As the “guiding light” that walks you from “Point A” to “Point B” we will act like a GPS for a client whereby we focus on:




Once we gain the necessary clarity around the 5 critical data points and establish the G.P.S, we work with the client to ensure that their G.P.S. is one that they:

  1. Believe in
  2. Are willing to implement
  3. Are capable of taking action on
  4. Are committed to

From here, we believe we have what we need to move the client forward and embark on the journey together!


As the client embarks on the necessary action steps of their strategies, we become the “Sherpa” of sorts for the client. Like a Sherpa that guides climbers to the Summits of Mountains, our knowledge of the “terrain” per se that we are embarking on in the journey, we are able to understand and communicate to the client the blind-spots that may create hazards and dangers to them, their business and goal accomplishment. The process is designed to reduce the number and frequency of obstacles and failures that tend to be the reason why many people fail to achieve.


Additionally, we will build in cadences of accountability that train the client to eventually become self-accountable. We believe this to be the most valuable resource we can offer a client as the ability to be self-accountable in one area can ultimately manifest itself into any area of someone’s life that maximizes their chances of ultimately living out being the BEST version of themselves that they can be!


Many view accountability as the negative activity. Mostly stemming from previous painful experiences of accountability that has been improperly implemented.


Our perspective of Accountability comes from the understanding of the definition of the compound word Accountability:

To fully understand Accountability is to understand as your coach, we are going to conduct a system of measurement of activities to create a report of regular activities that are critical and vital to goal accomplishment. From there, we will use the reporting system to determine what areas need to be coached to on the coaching to fully ensure that provide the environment for our clients to possess the means/skill to do something (take–action and accomplish goals).


The 3 areas that we evaluate in the accountability-coaching process are:

  1. Skillset – The possession of a set of skills necessary to achieve said results
  2. Willset – The possession of the necessary Willingness to take action on the critical and vital activities identified in the client’s strategic development.
  3. Mindset – The possession of the necessary Focal points and Belief systems that will support that which the client needs to accomplish.


Ultimately, our coaching process is one that is designed around a mind-hacking psychology whereby we make small incremental adjustments over the course of time whereby the brain does not associate major change that in turn causes internal stress. By working on small incremental changes over a sustained period-of-time, a client will not be imposed by the stress associated with major quick change and in turn will realize massive shifts in not just their results, but their psychology as well.

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